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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Convenient Acquaintances

You have individuals of the opposite gender at work, school or even church that you associate with regularly, but rarely see outside of that standard environment. When you do run into this individual (in a "non-standard" environment such as the supermarket or at the mall), you just happen to be with your mate/spouse, but for some reason you do not speak to this person.  You make clear eye contact with each other so you know pretty much for sure who that person is, but you still refrain from verbally acknowledging their presence. What is the reason for this?  Seems convenient to have this person as an acquaintance at work or school, but once you get around your spouse/mate and go out in public, you do not seem to have any other "acquaintances".  Is this normal behavior?  We need to hear from you on this issue. Please click on "COMMENTS" below to give your feedback.  You can leave an anonymous response if you wish.  Check me out on Facebook as well.

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